Screen Shots
1. Open bowser (Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox). Type the address
Click on button "Start Exam".
2. Click on Allow button for web camera to connect the system. (You must test your web camera before you start exam)
3. Type the Exam Code and Password. Leave the Verification code blank. Click on OK.
4. Allow the student to type Idno, Name and Code as given in the Hall Ticket. Click on Start.
4. Read the Notice and Click on START
5. Select the Papers one by one.
7. Read the question and click on the correct answer. At the end click on Save and goto Main page.
8. After completing all the 5 papers click on QUIT.
9. Your mark is displayed on the screen.
In case of power failure, repeat all the steps again. Your previously answered papers were saved. You can continue answering other papers.
If the page is not opened properly then press refresh button on the page.
If internet is disconnected and page is not loaded then press F5 to restart the exam Or Close the window and resume the exam when internet connection is proper.
Do not press Quit button unless you finish the exam.
For queries contact Rithesh Kumar 09880723037.